
茱莉亚学院致力于为包括种族在内的所有社区成员创造一个温馨的环境, ethnicity, national origin, culture, language, 性别与性别表达, sexuality, 宗教和政治信仰, age, and ability. The school stands against all forms of discrimination, whether directed against individuals or groups. 

作为奉献的一部分, numerous trainings and programs are provided to students addressing equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Learn more about our institutional EDIB efforts


数千年来,茱莉亚学院所在的土地一直是人们的家园. We acknowledge that we are on the traditional homeland of the Lenape people. esball世博尊重和尊重与我们聚集的这片土地联系在一起的不同的土著人民.


多样性对话是每月就与公平相关的不同主题举行的一系列讨论, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Each month focuses on a different theme ranging from discussions on race/ethnicity, 性/性别/性, 宗教/信仰/灵性, 社会经济地位, and much more. 目的是提供一个安全的空间,让不同的观点在讨论复杂和困难的话题时被听到. 每个多样性对话都是公平、多样性、包容的基础项目 & 属于信用. The 多样性的对话 for the academic year 2023-24 are:

  • September 13: Passing: Racial and Gender Stereotypes
  • 10月11日:古典大炮
  • November 15: IEW: Cross Cultural Communication
  • December 13: More than Just Christmas
  • 2月14日:美是什么?
  • March 20: OASDS Program: Disability in the Arts
  • 4月10日:隐性成本

You can also download our full Diversity Dialogue schedule:


Each semester, 我们将在校园内举办多元化研讨会,让那些希望更多了解多元化这一复杂主题的人参加. 这次静修旨在为茱莉亚社区的成员培养技能,使他们更加意识到自己对校园和周围世界的影响, 同时提供成为全球思想领袖和艺术家所需的技能 citizens. 诸如种族/民族之类的话题, 性别/性/性别, dis/ability, 社会经济地位, 其他内容将在研讨会期间通过讲座和互动研讨会进行讨论.

You can download the flyers for 多样性研讨会s here:


Safe Zone

Safe Zone is a campus-wide program designed to visibly identify students, staff, and faculty peers who support the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, intersex, asexual, and other identities not fitting into these categories) population; understand some of the issues facing LGBTQIA+ individuals; and are aware of the various LGBTQIA+ resources. 安全区培训是一个互动性和探索性的研讨会,为LGBTQIA+提供有效盟友的知识基础. Campus-wide trainings are offered throughout the year, but training sessions can be arranged for individual groups if requested.

安全地带培训后, students, faculty, and staff can display a Safe Zone sign on their lockers, desks, 宿舍门, or office doors. 这表示对LGBTQIA+社区的支持,并将那些展示标志的人视为拥护者和/或盟友,可以安全地接近他们以获得支持或指导. 您可以在这里找到参加过培训的esball世博社区成员的最新名单: Safe Zone List.

欲了解更多关于esball世博安全区项目或定制项目的信息, 联系多元化倡议: (电子邮件保护) 或212-799-5000,分机. 358. 


多样性倡导者(DAs)与国际顾问办公室合作,认识到影响茱莉亚学院社区的多样性和包容性问题. Through cultural and educational programs, 社区论坛, 非正式的互动, DAs work to educate the larger campus community on issues pertaining to diversity, culture, 国际主义, 以及社会公正. da有助于创造一个安全的空间,在这个空间里,潜在的敏感或不舒服的问题可以被讨论和解决,同时也创造了一个可以庆祝和享受多样性和文化的环境. They are committed to building bridges between groups; developing understanding, appreciation, and respect; and celebrating the diversity of the Juilliard community.

除了共同促进新生培训和OIA每月多样性对话的多样性会议, da负责提供有助于更广泛地理解多样性的服务. Additionally, 他们通过在整个学年中创建主动和被动的项目,帮助茱莉亚庆祝传统月和国际教育周. 过去项目的例子包括关注表演艺术中的种族和性别的校友小组, viewings of social justice oriented documentaries followed by in-depth discussions, and opportunities to experience a wide-range of cultures through food tastings, dance, music, and visual arts. 

DAs recognize that they do not have all the answers; however, 他们致力于提高自己和同龄人的多元文化意识和知识. They encourage an environment of openness for questions regarding age, race, ethnicity, 性取向, ability, 宗教信仰, and gender.

To find current DA programs and events, please check out the 茱莉亚校园生活App under “公平、多元化、包容, and Belonging”.


Gracie Francis (DMA ' 26,协奏曲钢琴)
Sahana Shravan (MM ' 25,小提琴)
Nyoka Wotorson (BFA ' 24,舞蹈)
Teresa Mejias (BM ’25, viola)
Rohan Srinivasan (BM ' 25,作曲)

Gender Pronouns


A gender pronoun is used to refer to people in sentences and conversations. There are many different gender pronouns that can be used. Commonly, the binaries of she/her/hers and he/him/his have been used. 使用非二元they/them/their作为单数代词被许多出版物所认可, including the 芝加哥风格手册 (茱莉亚使用他的风格), 华盛顿邮报》 Merriam-Webster, and Associated Press.


Gender should not be assumed based on outward appearance. When someone is referred to by the incorrect pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected and invalidated. 纽约市人权委员会承认31种不同的性别身份或性别表达, Facebook允许用户自定义性别身份,因为意识到我们如何称呼彼此变得越来越重要. 在esball世博,我们的使命是为所有身份创造一个包容和友好的环境. Should you wish to discuss this further, you can look for the Safe Zone ally placards around campus (full list above).

What are some examples of gender pronouns?

Gender pronouns can vary; below are just a few examples. 请注意,这是代词的一个小样本,您应该使用特定个人要求的代词.









Taylor ate her food because she was hungry.




Taylor ate his food because he was hungry.




Taylor ate their food because they were hungry.

Xe Xem Xyrs

Taylor at xyr food because xe was hungry.




Taylor ate zir food because ze was hungry.




Taylor ate hir food because ze was hungry.




Taylor ate Taylor’s food because Taylor was hungry.

How do you ask someone about their pronouns?

The easiest thing to do is start with your own pronouns. You can say, “Hello, my name is Taylor and I use they/them/theirs pronouns.” By starting the conversation this way, it allows the other person to provide their own pronouns in a nonthreatening way.

Alternatively, you can ask: "What are your gender pronouns?或者“你用了哪些代词??" or "Can you remind me which pronouns you use for yourself?“在LGBTQIA+和安全空间社区,询问人们的性别代词已经变得司空见惯. 在这些社区之外, 询问别人的性别代词,而不是对别人的性别代词做出假设,这是非常值得赞赏的.

When in doubt, it is best to use neutral pronouns like they/them/theirs.

What if I make a mistake and use the wrong pronoun?

It’s OK! People make mistakes all the time. 如果你不小心叫错了别人的性别(用错了性别代词),最好的办法就是迅速道歉,然后用正确的代词继续对话. It can be as simple as this: “Taylor is joining us for lunch. She—sorry, they—said that they wanted tacos.”

如果你给别人错了性别, 最好不要小题大做,因为那样会让对方感到更加尴尬.

If you hear someone using the incorrect pronoun, you can be a good ally by gently saying something like, “Taylor uses the pronouns they/their/theirs” and then continuing the conversation.

How do you address someone when you aren’t sure which gender pronoun to use?

写电子邮件或信件时, if you are unsure of how to address a person in a formal way, 一种选择可能是使用Mx. (pronounced mix) instead of Ms./Mrs./Mr. 然而,如果你称呼的人有博士学位,你应该称呼他们博士. 而不是任何一位女士./Mrs./Mr./Mx variations.

You may also wish to include your own pronouns in your correspondences. 例如,在你的电子邮件签名的底部,你可以写一个简短的声明,如: My gender pronouns: they/them/theirs or 我的性别代词:她/她的/她的.


有时,出于安全考虑,个人可能不想透露自己的性别身份. It is important to respect their wishes and allow the individual to not disclose. 此外,它是 not 只问那些你怀疑是变性人或性别不符合的人的代词是合适的. This could uncomfortably single them out. The best practice is to ask everyone in the group for their gender pronouns, 但只有在安全的环境下.

Chosen Name

As Juilliard continues to create the most affirming and inclusive campus we can, we are clarifying the chosen name policy. 这一政策将允许任何茱莉亚学院社区成员选择一个名字,而不是他们的法定名称, and have that name used in as many ways and places as possible.  You can read the entire policy on the 政策及消费者资料 page. 要了解更多关于在esball世博系统中更改选定名字的程序,您可以阅读 已选名称策略常见问题 或者到教务处(学生)或人力资源部(教职员工).